
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Albariño’s Other Left Coast on DRINKING ON THE EDGE

Click On Image to Listen to Podcast

Co-host Carlo DeVito joins David Furer to discuss this unique and fun Spanish grape's performance with 4 West Coast vintners--California's Marimar Torres and Ian Brand, Oregon's Greg Jones, Washington's Justin Michaud

Had the great pleasure of a terrific tasting of west coast Albariño from Washington, Oregon, and California! Absolutely impressive wines from Abacela (stainless and stainless Acacia barrel ), Marimar Estate (stainless and stainless/concrete egg), I. Brand & Family Winery (two excellent variations) and Coyote Canyon Winery. All were floral, with bright fruit, and zippy acidity. From completely different regions and winemaking ideas. Shows the flexibility and desirability of the grape. Fantastic stuff.  
Great opportunity to speak with the principals wine makers.  

Really loved these two from I Brand. La Marea Albarino 2022 and La Marea Alternative Cut Albarino. Really something special.  

Two great variations from Marimar Estate! 2022 vs 2023  Both were excellent in completely different ways!

HUGE fan of Abacela Vineyards. Tasted their Albarinos about three or four years ago, and fell in love with them instantly. The largest producer of Albarino on the West Coast. The Albarino 2023 is bright and crisp and floral. The Private Selection is a slightly rounder having spent a short amount of time in an Acacia barrel. 

Click on Image to see the Abacela Vineyards
Stoopwaffle Episode

Here is a video of my tasting at Abacela Vineyards when I was there several years ago!

Coyote Canyon Winery's Albarino 2022 was crisp and floral and is a fantastic porch sipper. My favorite of their three!

A lot of fun hanging out with these talented winemakers. Listen to the podcast. Super fun and informative.