
Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Edible Finger Lakes publishes The Wine Issue 2013!

Congratulations to Edible finger Lakes magazine, editor Michael Welch, and to the Finger Lakes wine community at large on the publication of the Edible Finger Lakes "The Wine Issue." Fantastic! Thi new issue is so chock-a-block with wine stories, all I can do is highlight the fantastic coverage the Edible team has put together here. Great writers and great subjects! I've highlighted the opening spread for many of the great exciting.
Great piece on Peter Bell. Great article on single vineyard Rieslings. Great article on the solely based New Wine Distributor. Smart article on NY state wine primer. Great article on Peter Beecraft. Super article on Cab Franc. And a wonderful article on the first NY only wine list ever in NY state. And of course a nice piece on wine books of the Finger Lakes wine region.
Of all the Edible Communities magazines, Edible Finger Lakes and the Edible East End magazine have done the best job of partnering with the local wine industry to promote each other. Very exciting stuff. It's the kind of issue I slide into my wine library. Not just a keepsake, but a very good, solid body of work worth holding onto!