HARVEST 2013 took place Sat., Aug. 24, at McCall's Vineyard. The Mission of Harvest East End is to bring the Long Island wine region to prominence and raise funds for important regional causes. HARVEST EAST END is organized by the Long Island Wine Council with support from Merliance, and benefits East End Hospice, Group for the East End and the Peconic Land Trust. HARVEST EAST END also is a 501 (c)(3) charity.
This gracious event celebrates the world-class wine region on Long Island's East End and the wine-and-food bounty of our fall harvest. It also raises much-needed funds for regional charities protecting our land, environment and quality of life.
Without question the event, which was sponsored by Wine Enthusiast magazine this year, is the premiere wine event of the east coast, and considered a bookend to the Napa Auction which happens annually in California. It is the kind of event the east coast needs more of! This event shows the kind of imagination and confidence that made Long Island the crown jewel of New York state wine before Finger Lakes started promoting Riesling. It' this kind of daring imagination New York state needs to continue to expand upon. And it will continue to be a huge calling card for Long Island for years to come. Congratulations to the Long Island Wine Council for making it happen. Congrats to Stephen Bate and the rest of the LIWC Board.
This year's event was star studded, and include an appearance of our own Governor Andrew Cuomo. I cannot stress how strongly enough it was so important for him to show up an support New York wine yet again! This governor continues to show support for an industry that gives back to its state time and time again in terms of revenues, tourism, jobs, oh, yeah, and world class wine!!
A great time was had by all (or so reports go....I was not there....I live in the Hudson Valley these days),,,these pictures are from James Silver of Peconic Bay, the Shinns of Shinn Vineyards and the Long Island Wine Council.